Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Information Literacy Badge: First Draft

To earn the Information Literacy Certificate, students usually must attend 3 library workshops.  Each workshop can be substituted with a specified online activity.  However, I am planning a workshop that will allow students to receive credit for the other 2 workshops and earn the certificate by completing badge tasks.

Most students complete the certificate for extra credit, so I need something that is strenuous enough that they learn something, but not so strenuous that they drop out. Below is my first draft of the Information Literacy Badge plan.  Because this is the first time we are doing anything like this, I am requiring participants attend an in-person workshop.  I hope to allow students to complete the badge completely online in the future.

Below is the first draft of my plan.  I still need to develop most of the details. Please take a look and provide feedback.  Is it feasible?  What am I missing?  Am I using the right tools?

The Information Literacy Badge: Social Media in School, Work, and Life


Social media tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram have integrated themselves into our daily lives, even into our schools and work.  Online badges, popular in online games, are emerging as another social media tool that could have a positive impact on education.  Students in this class will be among the first in the country to earn online badges using Passport by Purdue University.  Students who attend this session will be able to complete the remaining requirements for the Information Certificate online by earning badges.  This class focuses on social media and utilizes several social media tools.  This class is for self-motivated students with good computer and Internet skills.


Based on our General Education rubric for "Evaluate Information."
  • Students will be able to identify an appropriate research topic and develop a research strategy.
    • Determine the Extent of Information Needed: Capstone 2
  • Students will be able to access information in a variety of formats.
    • Access the Needed Information: Capstone 2
  • Students will be able evaluate an information source based on timeliness, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose.
    • Evaluate Information and Its Sources Critically: Capstone 2
  • Students will be able to prepare a source citation in the MLA format.
    • Access and Use Information Ethically and Legally: Capstone 2

Agenda for In-Person Class

1. Introduce students to online badges.
2. Explain how students will earn badges and the certificate.
3. Question Formulation Technique (QFT)
4. Set up Passport accounts.
5. Set up PBWorks accounts.



Badges Required for the Information Literacy Badge

Information Pursuer
  1. Create an Open Backpack.  Share link in the group’s Facebook page.
  2. Create bio page in class wiki.
  3. Develop a research question based on class QFT.
Information Searcher
  1. Contribute to search term brainstorming on the class wiki.
  2. Develop a search strategy.
    1. Select 3 different search tools.
    2. Develop search terms for each tool.
  3. Identify 3 relevant sources.
Information Evaluator
  1. Cite 3 sources in the MLA Format.
  2. Evaluate each of the above sources for timeliness, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose.
  3. Post citations and evaluations on the class wiki.

Optional Badges

Badge Pioneer
Awarded to all students who complete the Information Literacy Badge.

Check-in at the Richland College Library.

Tweety Bird
Post an original tweet to @amy_jane regarding something you learned while earning the Information Literacy Badge.

Facebook Groupie
Active participant in the class’ Facebook group.

Social Activist
Tell us about an additional social media outlet and how you use it.  Post your comment in the class’ Facebook group.

Make at least 1 blog posting regarding what you learned while earning your Information Literacy Badge.

Social Butterfly
Highest score in Klout.
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