Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Interested in a TLA Distance Learning Interest Group?

Denise Landry-Hyde is looking to establish a Distance Learning Interest Group within the Texas Library Association (TLA). She states, “With the rapid growth in distance learning throughout the country, there is an increasing need within the state for a group that focuses on the needs and requirements of this learning community.”

If you are a TLA member in good standing, please “sign” the petition to form this Interest Group by e-mailing Denise Landry-Hyde at If you are not a member of TLA, you can join TLA at

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Library Instruction Teaching Tips

At their Library Instruction Teaching Tips page, the Library Instruction Round Table of ALA provides brochures with teaching tips in the following areas:

Not only do these brochures provide teaching tips, but each also includes a bibliography. Despite being created in 1999, the information provided is still relevant, even in “Technology in the Classroom.”

You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these brochures. If you don't already have it, you can download for free at